This week I have been attending the 3rd edition of the Big Data winter school: BigDat2017. It was held in my former campus, at the University of Bari (IT). It was a really nice feeling to be back for a while, sitting on those benches and following courses, once again.
Big Data has recently gained a lot of interest in research and many believe that it will still play its leading role for many years. Nowadays, we live in a world in which all information seems to be available, we are surrounded by data-driven applications (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, just to name a few), which gather data and try to provide tailor-made solutions for their users. To this end, having such event like BigDat2017 with its clear mission —introduce and update new researchers into this fast advancing research area—is really important.
[LAMRECOR] Logistica avanzata per la mobilità di persone e merci: modelli matematici e sperimentazioni per nuovi protocolli di recapito della corrispondenza
The LAMRECOR project (Advanced Logistics for people and goods mobility: mathematical models and trials related to new protocols for mail delivery) develops a set of technological solutions and services for advanced logistic, through a high integration of the sorting and delivery system of mail and other postal products of Poste Italiane SpA, with innovative ICT technologies regarding data acquisition, components, modelling, development of processing system, data transmission, and information to customers.
Italy is the country with the highest amount of motorized mobility per capita. This scenario does not only affect the mobility of people but also the mobility of goods. Private land transports covers about 82% of demand. It is recorded a sustained growth of the transport of motorcycles and mopeds. The goods continue to travel mainly by road (71.9% in 2008), boat (18.3%) and for a little part on rails (9.8%).