SS-RR: Sviluppo di un Sistema di Rilevazione della Risonanza


The SS-RR project (Sviluppo di un Sistema per la Rilevazione della Risonanza, english: Development of a System for Resonance Detection) aims to develop methodologies exploiting current technologies in order to provide innovative services. In particular, the detection of harmony levels between one or more people in relation to external stimuli. For example, the measure of satisfaction gradient of an interlocutor, happiness gradient of an interviewed person and so on.

In a quite similar scenario, using smartphones, iPhone and other last generation devices it is possible to exploit their sensors to acquire data in order to detect the emotional status. This kind of data are then combined to build a psychological model in order to bind physical-emotional parameters to people’s mood.

The aim of this project was to develop a software application to be installed on equipments and then used during staff selection. A typical scenario is depicted in Figure 1. The software first acquires sounds, facial expressions and also movement of the candidate body and it processes data in order to assess resonance or dissonance evaluating also the synergy between the two subjects.

Figure 1: Typical scenario with the candidate and the recruiter.

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