R-Classify: Extracting Research Papers' Relevant Concepts from a Controlled Vocabulary

“R-Classify: Extracting Research Papers’ Relevant Concepts from a Controlled Vocabulary” is a software paper accepted at Software Impacts.

Tanay Aggarwal, Angelo Antonio Salatino, Francesco Osborne, Enrico Motta

Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Milton Keynes (UK)


In the past few decades, we saw a proliferation of scientific articles available online. This data-rich environment offers several opportunities but also challenges, since it is problematic to explore these resources and identify all the relevant content. Hence, it is crucial that they are appropriately annotated with their relevant concepts so to increase their chance of being properly indexed and retrieved. In this paper, we present R-Classify, a web tool that assists users in identifying the most relevant concepts according to a large-scale ontology of research areas in the field of Computer Science.

Web App

R-Classify is up and running. Feel free to give it a try at https://cso.kmi.open.ac.uk/classify/


Download from DOI (Open Access): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpa.2022.100444

Download from institutional repository: https://oro.open.ac.uk/85958/