Vademecum for Succeeding your TMA

This document is meant to help my students from the M269 (Algorithms, data structures and computability) module in succeeding their TMAs, and completing the module. It contains a few notes drawn from my past experiences in marking TMAs and tips to achieve higher scores. Nonetheless, students from other modules, and other universities, can also use … Read more

Scientific Knowledge Graphs: an Overview

On 12th May 2021, I have been invited by Dimitris Sacharidis to give a lecture to the master course is INFO-H509 “XML and Web Technologies” at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.   Abstract In the last decade, several Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKG) were released, representing scientific knowledge in a structured, interlinked, and semantically rich manner. But, what … Read more

Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Big Data in the Scholarly Domain

Ontologies of research areas have been proven to be useful in many application for analysing and making sense of scholarly data. In this lecture, I will present how we produced the Computer Science Ontology (CSO), which is the largest ontology of research areas in the field of Computer Science, and discuss a number of applications that build on CSO, to support high-level tasks, such as topic classification, research trends forecasting, metadata extraction, and recommendation of books.

Angelo and Edu Frias on the PhD Defence

Going through the final stages of your PhD? No worries! We’ve got you covered. In this episode, I invited Dr Eduardo Frias-Anaya, who defended his thesis two weeks ago, at the Open University in the UK, to talk about the final stages of a PhD. We talk about writing up a dissertation, preparation to the … Read more

Angelo and Tina on the PhD journey

Have you thought of doing a PhD, you are currently doing or you have finished? I have. It’s painful and rewarding. In this episode, I talk with Dr Tina Papathoma, a post-doctoral researcher in Technology Enhanced Learning, about the PhD journey and the impact it has on us. We talk about the PhD process, submission and viva in an honest discussion of a 4 years journey.

I launched an online course on Instagram, here is my lesson learned

THIS IS A DRAFT – WORK IN PROGRESS During the COVID-19 outbreak many people relied more and more on web technologies like such as video calls and social networks, to fulfil their social needs. I decided to design and release an online course on Instagram so that users while consuming content could be engaged in … Read more

Introductory Lecture to Audio Signal Processing

With this post, slides and source code, used during the introductory lecture on Audio Signal Processing for Human Computer Interaction, are presented. The slides are available on my Slideshare profile or you can follow the link below. Instead, for source code you can download a zip using the GitHub section below or cloning the repository. The … Read more