Scientific Knowledge Graphs: an Overview

On 12th May 2021, I have been invited by Dimitris Sacharidis to give a lecture to the master course is INFO-H509 “XML and Web Technologies” at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.



In the last decade, several Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKG) were released, representing scientific knowledge in a structured, interlinked, and semantically rich manner. But, what kind of information they describe? How they have been built? What can we do with them? In this lecture, I will first provide an overview of well-known SKGs, like Microsoft Academic Graph, Dimensions, and others. Then, I will present the Academia/Industry DynAmics (AIDA) Knowledge Graph, which describes 21M publications and 8M patents according to i) the research topics drawn from the Computer Science Ontology, ii) the type of the author’s affiliations (e.g, academia, industry), and iii) 66 industrial sectors (e.g., automotive, financial, energy, electronics) from the Industrial Sectors Ontology (INDUSO). Finally, I will showcase a number of tools and approaches using such SKGs, supporting researchers, companies, and policymakers in making sense of research dynamics.



