A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning: Italian Translation
The R2D3 team (http://www.r2d3.us/) developed a visual introduction to Machine Learning. This introduction uses data...
Ontology Forecasting in Scientific Literature: Semantic Concepts Prediction based on Innovation-Adoption Priors
“Ontology Forecasting in Scientific Literature: Semantic Concepts Prediction based on Innovation-Adoption Priors” is a peer-reviewed...
Smart Topic Miner: Supporting Springer Nature Editors with Semantic Web Technologies
“Smart Topic Miner: Supporting Springer Nature Editors with Semantic Web Technologies” is poster paper...
Automatic Classification of Springer Nature Proceedings with Smart Topic Miner
“Automatic Classification of Springer Nature Proceedings with Smart Topic Miner” is conference paper presented...
Clique Percolation Method in R: a fast implementation
Clique Percolation Method (CPM) is an algorithm for finding overlapping communities within networks, introduced by...
XMLResearcherProfile is a technology for tracking and presenting academics’ profile. In its early stage, it allows...
MK:SMART – Garden Monitor
I joined the project in March 2016 until September 2016, as Project Officer. My activities...
Advances Towards Early Detection of Research Topics
Acknowledging new trends in the research environment is important for many stakeholders, such as researchers...
IMPORTANT: This article is a reproduction of “#WWW2016: COME IN WE’RE OUVERT” authored by myself and...
Italian translation of official RStudio cheatsheets
I recently joined the community of RStudio, which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for...
Best Paper Award at SAVE-SD 2016 (WWW2016)
On the 11th of April 2016, my supervisor Enrico and I won the Best Paper...
Detection of Embryonic Research Topics by Analysing Semantic Topic Networks
“Detection of Embryonic Research Topics by Analysing Semantic Topic Networks” is a workshop paper I...
Tech Report: Early Detection and Forecasting of Research Trends
This is the First Year Probation Report submitted for the registration to the degree of...
Early Detection and Forecasting of Research Trends
“Early Detection and Forecasting of Research Trends” is a paper presented at the Doctoral Consortium...
Advanced classification of Alzheimer's disease and healthy subjects based on EEG markers
Authors: Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Angelo Antonio Salatino, Carlo Di Leo, Giacomo Tattoli, Domenico Buongiorno, Domenico Signorile...
SSSW 2015 – 11th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web
From the 5th to 11th of July the 11th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic...
20th Anniversary of KMi
On the 20th of May 2015, my colleagues and I celebrated the 20th anniversary of...
Rexplore: Exploring Research Data
Rexplore leverages novel solutions in large-scale data mining, semantic technologies and visual analytics, to provide...
Smart Health 2.0
The goal of the project “Smart Health 2.0” is the realization of a technological system...
[LAMRECOR] Logistica avanzata per la mobilità di persone e merci: modelli matematici e sperimentazioni per nuovi protocolli di recapito della corrispondenza
Introduction The LAMRECOR project (Advanced Logistics for people and goods mobility: mathematical models and trials...
SS-RR: Sviluppo di un Sistema di Rilevazione della Risonanza
Introduction The SS-RR project (Sviluppo di un Sistema per la Rilevazione della Risonanza, english: Development...
Advanced Logistics for people and goods mobility: mathematical models and trials related to new protocols for mail delivery (LAMRECOR project)
Authors: Mario Nicola Armenise, Vito Antonio Bevilacqua, Michele Bozzetti, Leonarda Carnimeo, Caterina Ciminelli, Marcello...
Introductory Lecture to Audio Signal Processing
With this post, slides and source code, used during the introductory lecture on Audio Signal...
ICON Summer School – 2014
Constraint Programming Meets Data Mining Sampieri, Sicily, Italy. 1st – 5th September 2014...
Evaluation of Resonance in Staff Selection through Multimedia Contents
Authors: Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Angelo Antonio Salatino, Carlo Di Leo, Dario D’Ambruoso, Marco Suma, Donato Barone, Giacomo Tattoli, Domenico Campagna, Fabio Stroppa, Michele Pantaleo...
Tumblr RSS Widget
Tumblr RSS Widget is a web page able to read feeds from Tumblr blog and...
Pie Chart with QWT
Pie Chart with QWT is a little application able to show a pie chart using...
Grid Search SVM
The Grid Search SVM is a Java-based application that allows to perform the grid search...
FFmpeg Recorder
The FFmpeg Recorder is an home-made application that lets to record a movie. It is...
The n-Remover is an home-made application that lets to remove the newlines from a text...