Advanced classification of Alzheimer's disease and healthy subjects based on EEG markers


Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Angelo Antonio Salatino, Carlo Di Leo, Giacomo Tattoli, Domenico Buongiorno, Domenico Signorile, Claudio Babiloni, Claudio Del Percio, Antonio Ivano Triggiani, Loreto Gesualdo


In this study, we compared several classifiers for the supervised distinction between normal elderly and Alzheimer’s disease individuals, based on resting state electroencephalographic markers, age, gender and education.

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Design and Implementation of an innovative framework for Speech Emotion Recognition


With this article I want to publish my thesis work in Human-Computer Interaction, for the Master’s Degree in Computer Systems Engineering at Polytechnic of Bari. 

The entire thesis has been written in Italian. For this reason, I have prepared a English brief summary explaining all materials, methods, results and conclusions. Use the following link to read the abstract: My Thesis Abstract.pdf.


Titolo in Italiano: “Progettazione e implementazione di un innovativo framework per il riconoscimento delle emozioni vocali”.

Con questo post si vuole pubblicare il lavoro di tesi, svolto nella disciplina di Interazione Uomo Macchina, per la Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica al Politecnico di Bari.

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