XMLResearcherProfile is a technology for tracking and presenting academics’ profile. In its early stage, it allows to record all the published papers (in proceedings, journals, posters and phd thesis) within a single XML file and afterwards it allows to format them as a list in a HTML page. Using specific XML tags it is possible to describe all the meaningful information about each published papers, such as title, authors, year of publication, book title and web sources. Initially, all these tags were specified using a DTD file (rpDTD.dtd), while lately an XML schema (rpSchema.xml) replaced it. The new schema contains a set of rules to describe all the tags that the XML file can contain. An instance of published paper with its relative tags is presented below.
In addition, the tool provides a set of customisable functionalities in a PHP that allow to read the XML and present its content in a formatted and more human-readable way. At this stage these functionalities present the list of papers, order by year, in a HTML file. There are also functionalities that draw a dynamic co-authorship graph, that shows the relationship between authors in the corpus. The graph is extracted once every time the XML file is updated and then saved into a JSON file. Then with Sigma.js, a JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing, the graph is published (see example below).
Description of tags:
- title: the title of a publication;
- author: author/s of the publication;
- booktitle: the name of the book in which the publication has been published;
- editor: the editor of the publication;
- publisher: the publisher of a publication;
- address: the address of the publisher;
- isbn: the ISBN of a publication;
- journal: the name of the journal in which the publication has been published;
- year: the year in which the publication has been published;
- month: the month in which the publication has been published;
- note: an additional note to a publication;
- number: the volume of the series in which the publication has been published;
- series: the volume of the series in which the publication has been published
- volume: the volume of the journal in which the publication has been published
- pages: the page numbers where the publication can be found
- ee: digital object identifier (DOI);
- source: the url of the electronic edition of the publication;
- googlescholar: the url of the publication on Google Scholar;
- post: the url of the publication on a blog post;
- website: another url of the electronic edition of the publication, not the primary one;
- oro: the url of the publication on a open repository (ORO for The Open University)
- rash: the url of the publication on in RASH format;
An installation of XMLResearcherProfile can be found on my publication list.
Instance of published paper in the XML file
Instance of outcome

Instance of printed graph

Project info
Github repository: https://github.com/angelosalatino/XMLResearcherProfile
Issue tracker: Here
File list:
- schema/rpDTD.dtd: contains all the elements and attributes that the profile needs
- schema/rpSchema.xml: file schema containining all the elements and attributes that the profile needs
- graph/*: folder containing Sigma.js library for drawing the graph
- myPub.xml: follow the rules in the XML schema to store information about researchers
- example.xml: example of researcher profile
- myCoauth.json: contains the co-authorship graph in json format (created by index.php and exploited by graph_json.html)
- graph_json.html: html page that create the co-authorship canvas
- myGraph.html: an extension of graph_json.html
- index.php, myCss.css and images/*: FRONT END
Dependencies for the project
- Sigma.js: for drawing the graph and create the layout (using forceAtlas2)
- Jquery
I thank in advance whoever wants to use this application, give suggestions, make it bigger and better.