“Supporting Springer Nature Editors by means of Semantic Technologies” is a research paper accepted to the Industry Track at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2017 , 21-25 October 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Francesco Osborne, Angelo Salatino, Thiviyan Thanapalasingam, Aliaksandr Birukou and Enrico Motta
The Open University and Springer Nature have been collaborating since 2015 in the development of an array of semantically-enhanced solutions supporting editors in i) classifying proceedings and other editorial products with respect to the relevant research areas and ii) taking informed decisions about their marketing strategy. These solutions include i) the Smart Topic API, which automatically maps keywords associated with published papers to semantically characterized topics, which are drawn from a very large and automatically-generated ontology of Computer Science topics; ii) the Smart Topic Miner, which helps editors to associate scholarly metadata to books; and iii) the Smart Book Recommender, which assists editors in deciding which editorial products should be marketed in a specific venue.