20th Anniversary of KMi

On the 20th of May 2015, my colleagues and I celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi). The main point of the event was to show how far the KMi has reached as a lab and what is next in the Knowledge Media. The event itself has been organized in two main sessions. Firstly, there was the invited speakers session and afterwards an exhibition of project currently going on at the KMi.

The invited speakers, coming from different academic institutions, were Peter Horrocks, John Daniel, Marc EisenstadtPeter Scott, Frank van Harmelen and Marcus Specht.

In the exhibition session, as a member of the KMi, I presented Rexplore, showing also a demo of the powerful features already implemented in the system.

Here is a picture of me and Enrico Motta (my supervisor) presenting Rexplore to Peter Horrocks (VC of the OU) and Sir John Daniel (former VC of the OU).


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